Monday, April 28, 2014

Long Time Gone- New Beginnings


Well with a new big adventure ahead, I feel I should start keeping a journal of my travels to share with you all again. Its been a long time since I last posted, and here are a few of the changes that have occurred around the farm. Firstly, last March I ran out of feed, and in a spur of the moment decision to try to keep from loosing my 150 ewes, I moved. I was supposed to move to eastern WA to work as a sheep herder, and in a long, winding, stressful turn of events ended up in the beautiful Willamette Valley in Western Oregon. After a year of struggling with new and different challlenges in my new environment, with the aid of lots of new friends, and utilizing a bit of adaptability I made the second biggest decision of my life... I decided to sell my beautiful, beloved sheep. ALL OF THEM. I didn't keep a single remnant of my prior flock, just my equipment, dogs, and horse.


Starting a few months ago with a random phone call from a good friend, I made the decision to pursue my shearing carreer again, and try to save enough money to purchase a house. The opportunity to finally belong is a beautiful thing, and having a place to call my own will give that since of security, and inner peace that most other things can't even touch. Money pit or not, I finally understand why people have homes.

Sooo, with an email, and a plain ticket, I leave for England! Next stop, Australia.... somewhere!

Good bye America, and sheep, I will be back soon enough!